Wander Through Portals (video)
A documentary investigating the life and artistic processes of poetic cinema filmmaker Mary Helena Clark. #USF #media #film #documentary...

Microaggressions and College Campuses: How much is too much? (video)
Written by Sarah Frei Produced and Directed by Sarah Frei and Brandy Burch Produced at the University of San Francisco 2015 #usf #video...

Hand to Mouth (video)
Hand to mouth is about food deserts and environmental racism. Created for Civic Media class. #food #media #USF #racism #environment #civic

A man must decide between his dreams and his job. #USF #film #love

Shutter Release (video)
The camera featured here is the property of Matthew Sheller. Produced in Advanced Narrative class. #UniversityofSanFrancisco #USF #video

Fear (video)
A narrative that follows the story of two young women as they discover and come to terms with their sexuality and the fear surrounding...