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Let's Talk About Sex...Education

This piece explores the history and nuances of sex education in the United States. The way sex education is taught varies throughout different regions of the country and unfortunately in some areas, promotes to children, fear and really close-minded thinking about sex and sexual health. If children are the future, shouldn’t they be fully informed of all of the healthy ways to navigate sex, both hetero and non hetero?

So why is the U.S. so divided on sex education?

Only 24 states mandate sex education and only 13 states require that the instruction be medically accurate. Trust me, my jaw was hitting the floor too. Needless to say, these numbers shocked me, but also inspired me to investigate why the county is conflicted about providing such vital education to its youth.

In this audio piece, I explore the history of sex education in the United States and interview my friends Brian and Amelia who grew up in the South. I cover the importance of providing youth with knowledge on one of the most natural human acts. I mean, it is in our human nature to want to bang- how else would any of us come into existence?

Being educated on sex equips young people to make positive decisions during sexual encounters, so we must not resort to the Mean Girls sex education standards. “You’re going to want to take off your clothes, and touch each other. If you do touch each other, you will get chlamydia… and die.” Thanks for the advice Coach Carr, but that is not going to stop we horny bastards from doing what we are designed to do.

We must accept that people are going to have sex, so we should AT LEAST be informed about the possible consequences of such a potentially consequential activity.

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